Page 88 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Waste Types

                Quantity of Waste Generated, Diverted from Disposal and Directed to Disposal in 2023 (t)
                                                      Waste Diverted from    Waste Directed to
               Type of Waste      Waste Generated
                                                           disposal              disposal
          Spent Bleaching Earth        106,019               33,854               72,166
          Bottom Ash                    20,584                4,372               16,212
          Fly Ash                       41,187               34,679                6,508
          Glycerine Residues            12,952                7,191                5,761
          Sludge Cake                    3,334                 140                 3,194
          Free Fatty Acids               5,193                5,193                   0
          Others                        12,265                5,183                7,081
          Total                       198,200               90,473               107,728
          1.  Others include spent nickel catalyst, contaminated materials, used lamp, wastewater sludge, electronics, etc
          2.  The quantity of waste is weighed internally by Apical and also provided by third-party contractors who we engage for disposal
          3.  Waste management protocol in Indonesia complies with Government Regulation No 101 in 2014, while our facilities in Spain and
            China comply with relevant local regulations

          Waste Generation and Disposal

                            Waste Directed to Disposal by Recovery Option in 2023 (t)
                     Type of Waste             2021 (Total)     2022 (Total)     2023 (Total)
          Hazardous Waste
          Landfill                                 1,500.8           1,379            1,333
          Incineration (with energy recovery)         1.0            8,385           18,431
          Incineration (without energy recovery)      3.2                0              235
          Other disposal options                 129,809.4          152,314          84,893
          Non-hazardous Waste
          Landfill                                   18.8              203              235
          Incineration (with energy recovery)           –               50               15
          Incineration (without energy recovery)     17.1                0              260
          Other disposal options                  19,886.6          27,109            2,326
          Total                                  151,236.8         189,440          107,728
          1.  The quantity of waste is weighed internally by Apical and provided by third-party contractors who we engage for disposal

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