Page 77 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 77

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
           Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Our Programmes/Initiatives
          Activity type  Location  Description of Activity       Progress
          Quantifying GHGs

          Scope 3      All operations  To determine indirect emissions   •  Completed Scope 3 assessment
          assessment               beyond Apical's operational     for 2021
                                   boundaries and across entire value   •  Completed Scopes 1, 2 & 3 GHG
                                   chain, including suppliers, customers,   Emissions Profiling Template and
                                   and product use                 Training
          Methane      Dumai,      Reduce emissions by capturing   Under construction. To be
          capture      Indonesia   methane, purifying it into    commissioned in 2025
                                   biomethane to reduce reliance on
                                   fossil natural gas
          Carbon       All operations  Employ a carbon management   •  In vendor procurement stage
          management               software to streamline measurement,
          software                 management, planning, tracking and
                                   reporting of GHG emissions
          LCA          Products from  To conduct LCA of all Apical   •  To be completed in 2024
                       all business   Products
          Greener Alternatives

          Usage        Marunda,    •  SDO (M) switched 1 medium   •  Estimated emission reduction of
          of green     Indonesia     pressure boiler, and 2 oil thermal   40% when using natural gas as
          alternatives               heaters from coal to natural gas  compared to using coal for all
          for power                •  AAJ Marunda to switch from coal   boilers
          plants and                 to natural gas for gas fired boiler   •  Target completion in 2024
          boilers                    by mid-2024
          Transition   •  Marunda,   Replaced diesel forklift with electric   •  SDS: Increase to 3 electric forklifts
          to electric    Indonesia  forklift to reduce GHG emissions   from 1 in 2021
          forklift     •  Dumai,                                 •  SDO (D): currently has 19 electric
                         Indonesia                                 forklifts
                                                                 •  AAJ Marunda: Out of 11 forklifts,
                                                                   6 have been converted to
                                                                   electric-powered versions with
                                                                   the other 5 slotted to be upgraded
                                                                   to electric by 2024

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