Page 101 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 101

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

              Social Impact Assessment (SIA)

              We conducted a SIA for PRC in Padang and KRN in Balikpapan starting in July 2023. We engaged
              with two distinct external professional assessors for the assessment, partnering with Ecotrop for PRC
              and Remark Asia for KRN.
              The SIA was carried out in a participatory manner, involving local community representatives to
              identify the impacts of our company’s operations. This involvement, through consultation activities,
              is grounded in the principles of transparency and encourages community representatives to identify
              their own priorities and needs. The assessment results will provide insights into how we can manage
              the risks and opportunities of our activities concerning the surrounding communities.

            SIA findings in PRC

            The SIA in PRC followed the methodology outlined by the International Association for Impact Assessment
            (IAIA), as follows:

             1                                          2
                Understand the issues                     Predict, analyse and assess the likely
                •  Understood proposed project            impact pathways
                •  Clarify roles & responsibilities       •  Social changes & impacts
                •  Social area of influence               •  Indirect impacts
                •  Community profiling                    •  Cumulative impacts
                •  Inform communities                     •  Affected party responses
                •  Inclusive participatory processes      •  Significance of changes
                •  Scope issues                           •  Project alternatives
                •  Assemble baseline data

             3                                          4
                Develop and implement strategies          Design and implement monitoring
                •  Address negative impacts               programmes
                •  Enhance benefits & opportunities       •  Indicators to monitor change
                •  Support communities with change        •  Partipatory monitoring plan
                •  Establish a grivance mechanism         •  Implement adaptive management
                •  Negotiate impatcs & Benefits Agreement (IBA)  •  Evaluation & periodic review
                •  Develop social impact management plan
                •  Establish partnerships to implement SIMP
                •  Implement ongoing social performance plans
                                                                         Source: SIA Guidance by IAIA

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