Page 105 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 105

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          By the end of 2023, we successfully trained 64 women in the production of culturally inspired handmade soap,
          leading up to its commercialisation and selling up to 1,000 handmade soaps. CLEAN programme activities in
          2023 were as follows:

           First workshop            Second workshop              Third workshop
           Held at Dumai in July 2023  Held at Dumai in October 2023  Held at Balikpapan in October 2023
           11 participants from workers’   27 new participants joined the   26 new participants joined the
           wives                     workshop                     workshop

          Empowering Women Entrepreneurs             in 2023, a more than tenfold increase. This expansion
                                                     enabled the owner to improve her standard of living,
          We believe that empowering women is crucial in   evidenced by her ability to build a house and purchase
          overcoming  their  business  challenges,  advancing   a car. The owner has plans to open a store and employ
          gender equality and enhancing family livelihoods.   additional people. Indirectly, her increased demand
          Our support for female entrepreneurship has notably   for raw materials also positively affects cassava farmers
          benefited ‘Nurul Fatiha’ chilli-flavoured cassava chips   and suppliers.
          production, a small enterprise we assisted in Dumai.
          Her business experienced significant growth with our   Her intention to pass the business on to her
          provision of cooking oil support at 150 kg per month   children underscores the lasting impact of women’s
          and assistance in securing microfinance loans from a   empowerment, serving not only as a legacy but also
          bank. From an initial cassava chips production of just   as an educational opportunity for the next generation.
          50 kg per day in 2014, it surged to over 100 kg daily

 104  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                               APICAL GROUP  105
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