Page 102 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

            The study’s findings validate that our operations in PRC are creating job opportunities for the community,
            generating a multiplier effect at the local level and fostering a positive public perception of the company.
            The  findings  also  indicate  high  expectations  of  the  company,  potential  for  social  envy  and  concerns
            about decreasing environmental quality. We are using these findings to develop an impact management
            strategy, which includes a social management plan covering communication, employment, economic
            aspects and public relations.

            SIA findings in KRN
            The SIA in KRN provided us with insights into the social impact and social issues analysis. In preparing
            the social management plan, we conducted exercises based on the “Measuring and Improving Social
            Impacts” guideline, responding to questions in the Social Impact Creation Cycle, as illustrated below.
            Following this, we developed a plan to manage social risks and capitalise on the opportunities.

                                             What will you

                           How can                               What problem
                         you increase                               will you
                           impact?                                 address?

                               How will you
                                                            What steps will
                                                              you take?

            These SIA exercises have enhanced our understanding of the perceptions and feedback from local
            communities regarding our operations. We plan to extend the SIA to other refineries in 2024, covering
            AAJ Tj Balai, AAJ Marunda and SDS.

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