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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Contributing to Stunting Prevention        The topics covered to empower the health cadres in
                                                     promoting stunting prevention include:
          Stunting refers to a situation where children undergo
          hindered growth and development resulting from   •  Understanding  stunting:  what  it  is,  its  causes  and
          malnutrition, leading to consequences that persist into   prevention strategies;
          adulthood.  In  2022,  Indonesia  reported  a  significant   •  Guidance  for  health  cadres:  identifying  common
          prevalence of stunting at 21.6%, making the reduction   health issues in women and children, monitoring
          of stunting rates a top priority for the nation.   children’s growth and using health centre
                                                       equipment, such as baby scales;
          Apical has been actively involved in stunting
          prevention  programmes  around  our  refineries  in   •  Nutritious  food  for  children,  highlighting  the
          Marunda, Dumai and Balikpapan. Our approach   importance of a balanced diet for early development.
          includes selecting several women from the community   We  trained  117  health  care  centres  (posyandu)
          to serve as health cadres. We engage them in various   cadres,  educated  33  pregnant  women  on  stunting
          training sessions and workshops organised by local   knowledge,  and  reduced  stunting  by  20%  among
          health centres, empowering them to coordinate   children in 2023.
          healthcare programmes targeting pregnant women
          and children under the age of 2. These cadres also
          disseminate knowledge to mothers and families about   COMMUNITY INVESTMENT
          nutritious meals, enhancing awareness and education   GRI 203-1, 203-2, 413-1, 413-2
          on maintaining a healthy diet.
                                                     Apical  invests  in  various  initiatives  designed  to
                                                     enhance  the  quality  of  life  and  overall  well-being
                                                     of communities within our business areas. These
                                                     programmes aim to improve access to vital services
                                                     such as healthcare and education, along with the
                                                     provision of basic infrastructure.
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