Page 111 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 111

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Activity type  Location      Description of Activity     Outcomes
          After-School   Balikpapan,   Provided after-school programme   •  120 students from elementary
          Enrichment     Indonesia     for students from the community  school
          Classes                                                  •  25 students from Junior High
          Training for   Marunda,      Collaborated with Tanoto    Trained 33 teachers
          Teachers       Indonesia     Foundation for teacher training

          Road           •  Dumai,     Provide equipment and road   7.1 km of roads improved
          Maintenance     Indonesia    building material such as gravel to
          and            •  Balikpapan,   improve road conditions
          Rehabilitation  Indonesia
                         •  Marunda,
          Clean water    Dumai,        Provided clean water supply to   •  240 t of water provided
          supply         Indonesia     communities                 •  2 mosques with access to clean

          Stunting       •  Dumai,     Coordinated outreach sessions for   •  Trained 117 posyandu cadres
          Prevention      Indonesia    pregnant women, stunted children  •  33 pregnant women being
                         •  Marunda,   and Posyandu cadres           educated on stunting
                          Indonesia                                  knowledge
                         •  Balikpapan,                            •  Reduce stunting by 20% among
                          Indonesia                                  children in 2023
          Eid initiatives  •  Dumai,   •  Hosted a break fast meal at   •  20 Orphans
                          Indonesia     Kampung Pitung             •  667 packages distributed for
                         •  Marunda,   •  Distributed Ramadan packages   667 families
                          Indonesia     to underprivileged families  •  Distributed 9 goats
                         •  Balikpapan,

          Cooking oil    Marunda,      Provided cooking oil for various   7,200 L of cooking oil provided
          Donations      Indonesia     communities
          Mangrove       •  Dumai,     Planted Mangrove trees as part   12,600 mangrove trees planted
          Planting        Indonesia    of environmental restoration and
                         •  Marunda,   community development efforts

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