Page 117 - APICAL_SR2023
P. 117

                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Total New Employee Hire
                        Total new hires in 2023 = 761 people          New hire rate in 2023 = 17.8%
                                           539                                (6%)

                     (11%)                                                        159
                                                   126                            (5%)
                 505                           50  (29%)   34
                 (26%)    12                  (34%)    12   (27%)
                         (6%)                         (18%)
                     Age                         Country                       Gender
                 18-30        31-50        >50   Indonesia        Malaysia        China     Female              Male
                                                Singapore        Spain
          1.  Employee new hired data in percentage is calculated using the total number of employees in each age, country, and gender group

          GRI 202-1, 202-2, 401-2, 401-3, 405-2

          Apical is committed to ensuring that our employees’
          salaries exceed the minimum wage requirements set
          by local and provincial regulations. We conduct annual
          reviews  of  our  compensation  packages  to  ensure
          they are competitive and in line with the cost of
          living, national labour regulations in the countries we
          operate and the compensation levels of our industry
          peers. Employees in Balikpapan, Dumai, Tanjung Balai,
          Marunda and Padang are compensated with a decent
          living wage, ensuring they can maintain a respectable
          quality of life for themselves and their families.
          Our aim is to maintain internal equity in compensation,
          considering factors such as workload, responsibility
          scope, job complexity and work level.

          Performance  evaluations  at  Apical  are based  on
          a balance scorecard that includes metrics such as
          quality, productivity, cost-effectiveness, adherence
          to core values, sustainability efforts and contribution
          to long-term growth. We uphold gender pay parity
          across our operations. Differences in base pay among
          employees are attributed to variables like educational
          qualifications,  skill  sets,  job  nature  and  professional

 116  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                               APICAL GROUP  117
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