Page 119 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Ratio of the Basic Salary and Remuneration of Female to Male for Each Employee Category, by Significant
          Locations of Operation

                                                                             Ratio of Women to
          Locations                                     Ratio of Women to
                                                                           Men based on Average
          of         Currency  Employee Category      Men based on Average
                                                                            Annual Remuneration
          Operation                                      Basic Salary (%)
          Indonesia     IDR    Non-executive                 95.01                75.73
                               Junior management             71.98                77.79
                               Middle management             114.43               120.25
                               Senior management             169.12               154.58
                               Board of Directors            N/A *                N/A *
          Malaysia     MYR     Non-executive                 77.61                74.77
                               Junior management             103.93               107.78
                               Middle management              70.9                48.84
                               Senior management             65.13                66.67
                               Board of Directors            N/A *                N/A *
          China        RMB     Non-executive                 106.71               91.56
                               Junior management             58.66                58.31
                               Middle management             106.36               117.37
                               Senior management             49.29                41.76
                               Board of Directors            N/A *                N/A *
          Singapore    SGD     Non-executive                 120.99               123.79
                               Junior management             113.68               99.41
                               Middle management             122.61               97.05
                               Senior management             109.14               120.77
                               Board of Directors            N/A **               N/A **
          Spain        EUR     Non-executive                 100.1                89.17
                               Junior management             86.64                73.24
                               Middle management             93.37                89.51
                               Senior management             N/A **               N/A **
                               Board of Directors            N/A *                N/A *

          *   Absent of BoD category
          **  This category consists of only male employee

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