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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          GRI Standard     GRI         GRI Disclosure Title  Section References/    Page
                           Disclosure                        Reasons for Omission
          GHG Emissions
          GRI 3: Material   3-3        Management of Material   Climate Action      72-74
          Topics 2021                  Topics
          GRI 305: Emissions   305-1   Direct (Scope 1) GHG   Climate Action – GHG   75
          2016                         emissions             Emissions
                           305-2       Energy indirect (Scope 2)   Climate Action – GHG   75
                                       GHG emissions         Emissions
                           305-3       Other indirect (Scope 3)   Not disclosed as Apical
                                       GHG emissions         is currently in the process
                                                             of quantifying Scope 3
                           305-4       GHG emissions intensity  Climate Action – GHG   75
                           305-5       Reduction of GHG emissions  Climate Action – GHG   74-75
                           305-6       Emissions of ozone-   Information unavailable,
                                       depleting substances (ODS)  we currently have not
                                                             collected this data
                           305-7       Nitrogen oxides (NOx),   Information unavailable,
                                       sulfur oxides (SOx) and other  we currently have not
                                       significant air emissions  collected this data
          Climate Change Strategy
          GRI 3: Material   3-3        Management of Material   Climate Action – Managing   72-74
          Topics 2021                  Topics                our Environmental Footprint
                                                             Green Innovation – Climate   79-80
                                                             Action Strategy
          GRI 302: Energy   302-1      Energy Consumption within   Green Innovation – Energy   81-82
          2016                         the organisation      Management
                           302-2       Energy consumption outside   Information unavailable,
                                       of the organisation   we currently have not
                                                             collected this data
                           302-3       Energy intensity      Green Innovation – Energy   81-82
                           302-4       Reduction of energy   Green Innovation – Energy   81-82
                                       consumption           Management

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