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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          GRI Standard     GRI         GRI Disclosure Title  Section References/    Page
                           Disclosure                        Reasons for Omission
          GRI 407: Freedom   407-1     Operations and suppliers in   Inclusive Progress – Diversity   124
          of Association and           which the right to freedom   and Equal Opportunity
          Collective Bargaining        of association and collective
          2016                         bargaining may be at risk
          Empowering Communities
          GRI 3: Material   3-3        Management of Material   Inclusive Progress –   99-106
          Topics 2021                  Topics                Empowering Communities
                                                             Inclusive Progress –   106-113
                                                             Community Investment
          GRI 411: Rights of   411-1   Incidents of violations   Inclusive Progress –   99-103
          Indigenous Peoples           involving rights of   Respecting the Rights of
          2016                         indigenous peoples    Indigenous Peoples and
                                                             Local Communities
          GRI 413: Local   413-1       Operations with local   Inclusive Progress –   99-108
          Communities 2016             community engagement,   Empowering Communities
                                       impact assessments, and   Inclusive Progress –   106-113
                                       development programmes  Community Investment
                           413-2       Operations with significant   Inclusive Progress –   99-108
                                       actual and potential   Empowering Communities
                                       negative impacts on local   Inclusive Progress –   106-112
                                       communities           Community Investment
          Supporting Human Rights
          GRI 3: Material   3-3        Management of Material   Our Approach to     26-29
          Topics 2021                  Topics                Sustainability – Apical
                                                             Sustainability Policy
                                                             Transformative Partnerships   60-64, 67
                                                             – Engagement Through our
                                                             Anchor Programmes
                                                             Transformative Partnerships   65-66
                                                             – Human Rights and our
                                                             Supply Chain
          GRI 410: Security   410-1    Security personnel trained   Not disclosed
          Practices 2016               in human rights policies or
          GRI 408: Child   408-1       Operations and suppliers at   Transformative Partnerships   65-66
          Labour 2016                  significant risk for incidents   – Human Rights and our
                                       of child labour       Supply Chain
                                                             Inclusive Progress – Diversity   124
                                                             and Equal Opportunity

          154  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                                                                                                            APICAL GROUP  155
   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159