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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          GRI Standard     GRI         GRI Disclosure Title  Section References/    Page
                           Disclosure                        Reasons for Omission
          Supply Chain
          Responsible Procurement Practices
          GRI 3: Material   3-3        Management of Material   Transformative Partnerships  51-52
          Topics 2021                  Topics                Green Innovation –     96-97
                                                             Certifying Palm Oil to be
          GRI 308: Supplier   308-1    New suppliers that    Transformative Partnerships   60-64
          Environmental                were screened using   - Engagement Through our
          Assessment 2016              environmental criteria  Anchor Programmes
                                                             Transformative Partnerships   68-70
                                                             - Working With Suppliers on
                                                             Environmental Conservation
                           308-2       Negative environmental   Our Approach to     38-40
                                       impacts in the supply chain   Sustainability – Grievance
                                       and actions taken     Management
                                                             Managing Supply Chain Risk   60
                                                             through Technology
                                                             Engagement Through our   60-64
                                                             Anchor Programmes
                                                             Working With Suppliers on   68-70
                                                             Environmental Conservation
          GRI 414: Supplier   414-1    New suppliers that were   Engagement Through our   60-64
          Social Assessment            screened using social criteria  Anchor Programmes
                           414-2       Negative social impacts in   Engagement Through our   60-64
                                       the supply chain and actions   Anchor Programmes
                                       taken                 Working With Suppliers on   68-70
                                                             Environmental Conservation
          Sustainable Agriculture
          GRI 3: Material   3-3        Management of Material   Our Approach to     18-22
          Topics 2021                  Topics                Sustainability
                                                             Transformative Partnerships  51-71
                                                             Certifying Palm Oil to be   96-98
          Labour Standards in the Supply Chain
          GRI 3: Material   3-3        Management of Material   Transformative Partnerships  51-52
          Topics 2021                  Topics

 154  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                               APICAL GROUP  155
   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160