Page 158 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

                  sustainability report and published on their website. Apical also engages with their stakeholders through
                  various channels (including but not limited to surveys, engagement, collaboration and outreach programmes,
                  group meetings, remote meetings) and this ensures a two-way dialogue between both parties. Through such
                  engagements, notable results are obtained for example, formed partnerships, receiving sustainability-linked
                  loan and programmes such as Sustainable Living Village (SLV) programme.
                  Level of Assurance
                  The level of Assurance is used to determine the depth of detail that an assurance provider uses to identify if
                  there are material errors, omissions or misstatements. The level of assurance for this report is Moderate.
                    •  Review of the text of the report (pre-assurance research)
                    •  Review of internal and external documentary evidence presented by Apical
                    •  Review of data collection at company level
                    •  Audit of data presented in the Report including a review of sample data
                    •  Review of a selection of internal performance documents
                    •  Remote visits to the head office and sampled operational units
                    •  Interviews  of  personnel  with  relevant  divisions  at  operational  units  and  person  in  charge  of
                      producing the report at the head office
                  Independence and quality control
                  Control  Union  is  an  accredited  Certifications  and  Assurance  body  operating  in  more  than  80
                  countries. These accreditations and recognitions includes the need to maintain a comprehensive
                  system of quality control including documented policies and procedures on compliance to ethical
                  and legal requirements as well as objectivity throughout our operations. The verifiers performing
                  the  data  check  were  selected  appropriately  based  on  our  internal  qualifications  requirements,
                  training and experience. It is also reviewed by management to ensure that the applied approach
                  and assurance are strictly followed and operated transparently.
                  Based on our moderate assurance process, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
                  believe  that  the  scope  (subject  matter)  as  detailed  above  and  presented  in  the  report  is  not
                  presented fairly in accordance with the criteria. Hence, our work confirms that the information
                  included  in  the  sustainability  report  is  reliable  and  objective  and  is  presented  clearly  and

                  For and on behalf of Control Union (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd,
                  Signed: Ebnu Holdoon Shawal    Signed: Supun Nigamuni

                  Date : 10 May 2024         Date : 10  May 2024
                  Lead Verifier              Managing Director

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