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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          HIRARC    Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and   NGOs   Non-governmental Organisations
                    Risk Control
                                                      NPOs      Non-profit Organisations
          HP        High Pressure
                                                      OFI       Opportunity for Improvement
          IDH       Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau
                                                      OHS       Occupational Health and Safety
          IDP       Individual Development Plan
                                                      PK        Palm Kernel
          IDR       Indonesian Rupiah
                                                      POCG      Palm Oil Collaboration Group
          IFRS      International Financial Reporting Standards
                                                      PORAM     Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia
          ILO       International Labour Organisation
                                                      PPBC WG   Production and Protection Beyond
          IDH       Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau              Concession Working Group
          IPCC      Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change   PPO  Processed Palm Oil
          ISCC      International Sustainability and Carbon   PPE   Personal Protective Equipment
                                                      PRC       PT Padang Raya Cakrawala
          ISH       Independent Smallholders
                                                      PROPER    Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja
          ISO       International Organisation for              Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan
                    Standardisation                             Hidup
          ISPO      Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil   PSEP      Priority Supplier Engagement Programme
          ISPS      International Ship and Port Facility Security  QOFI   Quality Opportunity for Improvement

          ISSB      International Sustainability Standards Board  RADD  Radar for Detecting Deforestation
          KPIs      Key Performance Indicators        RBD       Refined Bleached Deodorised
          KRN       PT Kutai Refinery Nusantara       RMB       Renminbi
          LCA       Life Cycle Assessment             RMC       Risk Management Committee
          ML        Mega Litres                       RSPO      Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
          MOU       Memorandum of Understanding       RSPO P&C Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
                                                                Principles and Criteria
          MPP       Mill Prioritisation Process
                                                      SAF       Sustainable Aviation Fuel
          MSME      Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
                                                      SAIL      Singapore Agri-Food Innovation Lab
          MYR       Malaysian Ringgit
                                                      SBA       Sustainable Business Awards
          NDPE      No Deforestation, No Peat and No
                    Exploitation                      SDO (D)   PT Sari Dumai Oleo – Dumai
          NDPE IRF   No Deforestation, No Peat and No   SDO (M)   PT Sari Dumai Oleo – Marunda
                    Exploitation Implementation Reporting
                    Framework                         SDS       PT Sari Dumai Sejati

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