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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          APPENDIX 2:



                  Control Union (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (hereinafter referred to as “Control Union”) was commissioned by Apical
                  Group  (PTE.)  Limited  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  “Apical”)  to  undertake  an  independent  assurance  of
                  Sustainability Report 2023.
                  Apical is responsible for the collection, analysis and preparation of the information in the Sustainability
                  Report. Control Union was not involved in the preparation of any material included in the report, except for
                  the issuance of this Independent Assurance Statement.
                  The  responsibility  of  Control  Union  is  to  express  an  opinion  concerning  the  information  included  in  the
                  Sustainability  Report  within  the  assurance  scope  mentioned  below,  with  the  purpose  to  inform  all  the
                  Interested Parties.
                  Control Union’s assurance engagement is based on the assumption that all data and information provided is
                  reliable and in good faith.
                  Scope of Assurance
                  Apical’s  Sustainability  Report  was  developed  using  Global  Reporting  Initiative  (GRI)  standards.  Thus,
                  assurance has been planned and performed for applicable sustainability performance disclosures presented
                  by  Apical  in  the  Sustainability  Report.  Control  Union  multi-disciplinary  verification  team  performed  the
                  assurance process that involves verification of the following aspects:
                  Engagement with stakeholders in the report development process and their involvement in organizational
                  decision making
                  Apical  has  continuously  engaged  with  various  groups  of  stakeholders,  which  resulted  in  several  notable
                  engagements  related  to  environmental,  social  and  governance  for  the  period  of  2023.  The  results  of
                  maintaining open stakeholder dialogue and through multiple platforms and programmes allow Apical  to
                  better understand critical issues that are of importance to and affect each stakeholder group. The outcome
                  from the stakeholder engagements has served as inputs for several sustainability focused initiatives launched
                  by Apical.
                  Identification of issues in the report that are relevant and significant to the organization’s stakeholders, the
                  presence of and the extent to which these material issues are disclosed in the report
                  The  ESG-related  material  topics  are  identified  and  prioritised  through  comprehensive  review  with
                  sustainability  reporting  consultant,  survey  with  employees  and  engagement  with  Apical’s  external
                  stakeholders.  These  material  topics  have  been  identified  through  consolidation  data  from  stakeholder
                  feedback. These topics have also been prioritized according to their societal impact and relevance to Apical
                  as an organization.
                  Acting  on  stakeholder  issues  and  provision  of  feedback  through  decisions,  actions,  performance  and
                  Apical addresses stakeholder concerns through their grievance handling procedure. The outcomes of the
                  grievance handling mechanism include among others set targets, short and long-term commitments. These
                  outcomes,  their  respective  status  and  progress  are  publicly  communicated  by  Apical  in  their  annual
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