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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          GRI Standard     GRI         GRI Disclosure Title  Section References/    Page
                           Disclosure                        Reasons for Omission
          GRI 403:         403-1       Occupational health and   Inclusive Progress – Safety,   128-131
          Occupational Health          safety management system  Health and Well-being
          and Safety 2018
                           403-2       Hazard identification, risk   Inclusive Progress – Safety,   128-131
                                       assessment and incident   Health and Well-being
                           403-3       Occupational Health Services  Inclusive Progress – Safety,   128-131
                                                             Health and Well-being
                           403-4       Worker participation,   Inclusive Progress – Safety,   128-131
                                       consultation and      Health and Well-being
                                       communication on
                                       occupational health and
                           403-5       Worker training on    Inclusive Progress – Safety,   128-131
                                       occupational health and   Health and Well-being
                           403-6       Promotion of worker health  Inclusive Progress – Safety,   129-132
                                                             Health and Well-being
                           403-7       Prevention and mitigation   Inclusive Progress – Safety,   128-131
                                       of occupational health and   Health and Well-being
                                       safety impacts directly linked
                                       by business relationships
                           403-8       Workers covered by an   Inclusive Progress – Safety,   129
                                       occupational health and   Health and Well-being
                                       safety management system
                           403-9       Work-related injuries  Inclusive Progress – Safety,   130
                                                             Health and Well-being
                           403-10      Work-related ill health  Inclusive Progress – Safety,   131
                                                             Health and Well-being
          Training and development
          GRI 3: Material   3-3        Management of Material   Inclusive Progress – Training   113-114
          Topics 2021                  Topics                and Development
          GRI 404: Training   404-1    Average hours of training   Inclusive Progress – Training   125
          and Education 2016           per year per employee  and Development
                           404-2a      Programmes for upgrading   Inclusive Progress – Training   125-127
                                       employee skills and transition  and Development
                                       assistance programmes

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