Page 15 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

                                                                   Received the Paritrana Award
                                                                   2023 from the Indonesia
                                        Appreciation Award to PT   government for its role in the
                                        Kutai Refinery Nusantara in our
                                                                   fight against COVID-19 and the
                                        efforts to Promote Children's   prevention of HIV/AIDS
            Social and                  Health in Balikpapan
                                                                    Completed restoration of
                                                                    12,600 mangrove

           Developing a digital        Named “The Most Reputable    trees in Dumai and Jakarta in
           platform to support our     Palm Oil Company for         collaboration with Jakarta’s Park
           Deforestation-Free          its Efforts to Educate       and Forest Service and Yayasan
           Due Diligence (DFDD)        Micro, Small and Medium      Pecinta Alam Bahari, a marine
           Framework to ensure our     Enterprises (MSMEs) in       environmental conservation
           supply chain compliance to   Indonesia” by Majalah       non-governmental Organisation
           EUDR                        Sawait Indonesia for Apical’s   (NGO)
                                       contribution to the palm oil
                                                                    6.34 hours average
                                                                    training per employee
           Engaged                     Completed due diligence
                                       for several mills for EUDR
           smallholders through our    compliance                   Trained 75 Posyandu Cadres
           SMILE programme                                          on Stunting

           Progressing towards target to conserve 13,485 ha of forest   Sustainable
                                                                    Living Village
           in Aceh with plans to conserve 10,000 ha at East Kalimantan
                                                                    (SLV) in Aceh in January 2023

 14  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                APICAL GROUP  15
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