Page 19 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Apical's Sustainability Journey (2014-2023)
          This timeline showcases Apical’s evolving sustainability efforts from 2014 to  2023. This highlights  our
          commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation to a dynamic palm oil landscape.

               Our                                        Growth
            Performance   TTP        SPOTT                                   TTP  SPOTT NDPE
                         12.3%        72.2%                                 99.7% 95.3%  93%

            2014        2016        2018       Pandemic  2020     2022        2023         SLL

            Infancy Stage  Sustainability   Supplier   New Supplier   Sustainability   Independent
            •  Sustainability   Reporting  Engagement  Programme  Roadmap     Verification
             Policy                 •  SVP      •  SFA            • Apical2030  •  TTP
            •  Progress             •  MPP      •  CARE                       •  NDPE IRF
             Dashboard              •  SVP                                    •  Satellite
                                    •  PSEP     Implementation                 Monitoring
                                    •  TOP                                    •  GRI + SPOTT
                                                •  A-SIMPLE
                                    Change                                    Partnerships &
                                    Management  Grievance                     Digitalisation
                                                Management                    •  SLV
                                                Smallholders Inclusion
                                                •  SMILE
                                                                              • CLEAN

           Evolving Together: Our Sustainability Journey Continues   Learn more and join us on
                                                                    our journey
           We are proud to unveil our enhanced Sustainability Policy 2023
           and introduce our new Human Rights Policy.  These policies
           further reinforce our commitments toward a more sustainable

 18  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                APICAL GROUP  19
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