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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


          Our sustainability strategies are aligned with the expectations of our stakeholders through the identification
          of material sustainability topics. These material topics form the basis of Apical2030, comprising four pillars of
          Transformative Partnerships, Climate Action, Green Innovation and Inclusive Progress. We conduct periodic
          reviews of the material topics to ensure their ongoing relevance to our business and stakeholders. Details of our
          materiality assessment and the list of identified material topics are included in the Appendix.
          We conduct materiality assessments every 2-3 years to inform and update our understanding on relevant issues
          that impact Apical Group’s sustainability priorities and stakeholders.

          The  materiality  matrix  is  reviewed  annually  to  reflect  updates  in  the  sustainability  landscape  as  it  relates  to
          Apical Group and our business mandate. Based on the previous assessment conducted in 2021, we performed
          a high-level materiality assessment for this sustainability report. This process involved desktop research on
          our material topics revolving in the industry we operate in, reviewing our internal documents and policies
          and interviewing internal stakeholders comprised of senior management team.

          We worked with a third-party sustainability consultant to review and update our materiality matrix
          through a three-stage process summarised in the table below:

                   Reviewing                   Interviewing           Revising Material Topics

          •  Reviewed Apical Group’s   •  Developed interview questions   •  Reviewed priorities and impact
            internal document, policies and   to gather insights from   of all the existing identified
            procedures.                 stakeholders on 28 identified   material topics based on the
          •  Conducted a desktop review   material topics and sustainability   outcome of desktop analysis and
            on 28 material topics of Apical   focus areas and how they shape   interview sessions conducted.
            Group against evolving market   Apical’s business priorities.   •  Presented the revised materiality
            trends, established standards   •  The interviews also seek   topics and ranking to Apical
            and regulations legislations such   to understand how Apical   Group’s senior management for
            as GRI and the EUDR.        collaborates with external   endorsement and approval.
                                        partners to generate value
                                        for their stakeholders,
                                        the communities and the

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