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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


          A few key changes have been made in our updated   addresses these challenges, to ensure that we
          materiality matrix. We have split Supplier Diversity   exceed expectations when it comes to regulations
          and Inclusiveness into two different topics. Supplier   and contribute to a long-term, sustainable palm oil
          Inclusiveness, for example, has become a higher   industry.
          priority in our materiality matrix. This is driven by the
          increasing number of suppliers partnering with Apical   A prime example of the evolving landscape would
          attributed by our Supplier Anchor Programmes.   be the emergence of the IFRS Sustainability
          However, for Supplier Diversity, it is ranked lower on   Disclosure Standards (IFRS S1 and S2), issued by
          the materiality matrix due to its minimised impact on   the ISSB. The requirements in IFRS S2 are consistent
          Apical’s  operations.  The  positioning  of  seven  topics   with the four core recommendations and eleven
          on the matrix have been revised, which are now   recommended disclosures published by the TCFD.
          considered of higher importance to Apical’s business   A few notable differences of the IFRS standards
          and our stakeholders. These topics are: Product   would be the new requirements of disclosing
          Quality and Safety, Waste, Empowering Communities,   Greenhouse Gas (GHG) scope 3 emissions which are
          Serving Smallholder Farmers, Supporting Human   industry-specific disclosures with targets for reduction.
          Rights, Biodiversity and Supplier Inclusiveness.     Thus, with Apical’s commitment to transparency
          More  information  on  the  definition  of  the  material   around climate-related risks and opportunities,
          topics can be found in the Materiality Assessment and   we have taken proactive steps in 2023/2024 to ensure
          Stakeholder Engagement section in pages 133-136.  robust TCFD/ISSB reporting which includes:
                                                       Capacity Building for Leadership
          REGULATIONS                                  Engaged an external consultant to educate senior
                                                       executives and management on TCFD/ISSB
          Palm oil is known for its versatility and high yield, but   recommendations, fostering strategic understanding
          there are continued concerns about its environmental   for effective disclosure.
          and social impact. Land conversion for plantations
          releases greenhouse  gases,  impacting  climate     Climate Risk Assessment
          change. Unsustainable practices like slash-and-burn
          exacerbate deforestation, biodiversity loss and   A comprehensive qualitative assessment of physical
          soil degradation. Climate change can impact crop   and transitional climate risks is underway across
          yields, highlighting the need for adopting sustainable   20 assets. This will be followed by a quantitative
          agricultural methods. All this has contributed to an   physical  risk  assessment  to  gain  a  deeper  financial
          evolving landscape in regulations and frameworks   perspective.
          for stakeholders to comply with such as Task Force
                                                       TCFD/ISSB Disclosure in Sustainability Report
          on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD),
          International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)
                                                       We aim to publish our initial TCFD/ISSB disclosure
          and EUDR where there is an increased scrutiny in
                                                       in the Sustainability Report 2024/2025.
          how companies are managing environmental and
          social impacts in their business. Apical continuously

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