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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


             Apical thrives in a dynamic palm oil landscape environment. We stay ahead
             of the curve by actively engaging stakeholders and embracing best practices.
             This includes implementing frameworks such as NDPE and TCFD/ISSB for
             climate-related disclosures and developing a comprehensive Human Rights
             Policy that  is complementary  to our enhanced  Sustainability Policy 2023.
             We transparently communicate these policies to stakeholders, maintaining
             our open dialogue and working collaboratively to address their needs and
             concerns. These efforts align seamlessly with our 5Cs business philosophy,
             prioritising Community, Country, Climate, Customer and ultimately, Company
             value creation. Our commitment to responsible governance strengthens our
             relationships and fosters long-term success.

          Since 2014, Apical established our Sustainability Policy   This  reaffirms  our  commitment  to  sustainable
          to adhere to NDPE commitments as well as support   practices, ethical conduct, environmental stewardship
          the well-being of local communities and ecosystems.   and upholding human rights. These new commitments
          In 2020, we launched the A-SIMPLE Framework to   mark a pivotal moment in Apical’s journey towards
          drive inclusive transformation across Apical’s supply   becoming the most reliable integrated processor of
          chain.  In pursuit of a traceable, sustainable  and   vegetable oils.
          deforestation-free supply chain, Apical Group has
          revised  and  enhanced  its  Sustainability  Policy  and
          developed a new Human Rights Policy in 2023.

          18  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                                                                                                             APICAL GROUP  19
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