Page 24 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP



           Sustainable development is a collaborative effort. At Apical, we collaborate closely with our stakeholders,
           especially our suppliers, to achieve our sustainability goals. We have implemented several impactful initiatives,
           such as enhancing supply chain traceability, adopting sustainability management practices and achieving
           NDPE compliance. We are always committed to further supporting our suppliers in their sustainability journey.

           To deepen our engagement with suppliers, these are the four key targets that we are progressing towards:

                 Collaborate with suppliers to achieve a    Collaborate with suppliers to promote
                 100% NDPE compliant supply chain by        clean energy through 20 biogas plants

                 Engage 100% of suppliers for traceability   Partner with suppliers to  protect and/
                 independent verification by 2025           or conserve 150,000 ha of forest and
                                                            peatland by 2030

                  CLIMATE ACTION

           The impacts of climate change on our global systems are increasingly apparent over the past few years
           – extreme weather events of high severity have affected food security. Apical is aware of the role we can
           play to reduce the impact of our business to climate change. Recent actions such as Scope 3 measurement
           and assessment were conducted in 2023, and are linked to the two targets that were established
           - a medium-term target and a long-term target – to mitigate emissions from its operations and value chain.
           The targets were designed with Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contributions, our peers, stakeholders
           and customers.

                 To reduce 50% GHG emission intensity       Achieve net zero by 2050
                 in our production against 2020 baseline
                 by 2030
           Our final target to achieve net zero by 2050 has been developed with reference to requirements stipulated
           by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

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