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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


          In pledging our commitment to ethical and responsible business practices, Apical published a new Human Rights
          Policy  in  2023.  This  reaffirms  our  responsibility  to  respecting  the  fundamental  human  rights  of  workers  and
          communities throughout our global operations and supply chain.
                  Protection of Fundamental Human           Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities
                  Rights                                    Respect the rights of indigenous peoples
                  Committed to respecting internationally   and local communities
                  recognised human rights across our global
                  operations and supply chains, ensuring    Human Rights Defenders (HRDs)
                  ethical and responsible business conduct  Respect the rights of HRDs’ to raise
                                                            concerns and pledge to address any
                  Labour Rights                             harmful impacts towards them caused
                  Committed to respecting rights of all     by our operations or supply chain, in
                  workers                                   accordance with the UNGPs

          We are committed to respecting all internationally recognised human rights principles, guidelines and regulations,

             United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
                                                                      International Bill of Human
            United Nations Declaration on Human                       Rights
                            Rights Defenders

             Organisation for Economic
                    Co-operation and                                   UN Global Compact
            Development Guidelines for                                 Principles
              Multinational Enterprises      We are committed
                                              to the following
                                              guidelines and           International Labour
                 Indigenous and Tribal
                                                regulation             Organisation’s (ILO)
                  Peoples Convention
                                                                       Declaration on Fundamental
                                                                       Principles and Rights at Work
               United Nations Declaration on the
                   Rights of Indigenous Peoples
                                                                      Convention on the Ellimination
                          United Nations Guiding Principles on        of All Forms of Discrimination
                          Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)           Against Women

                                                         For more information on
                                                         Apical’s Human Rights Policy,
                                                         please scan the QR code

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