Page 31 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          g.  Monitoring and Tracking of Implementation   h.  Disclosure and reporting:  Our  sustainability
            Programme: NDPE Compliance, third party     progress will be communicated transparently
            satellite monitoring, independent data verification,   through Apical’s annual Sustainability Reports and
            deforestation risk monitoring and on-site visits for   Apical’s Progress Dashboard
            high risk suppliers

            The A-SIMPLE Framework is comprised of the following components:

             Setting Commitment             Risk Profiling
             Apical’s Sustainability        Our Mill Prioritisation      Prioritisation
             Policy drives our ambition     Process (MPP) helps          Apical has developed
             to be sustainable in all our   identify the risk profiles of   a process that
             business operations and        our suppliers.               identifies high-priority
             supply chain.                                               suppliers for frequent
                                                                         engagement. This
                                                                         process utilises our MPP
              Supplier Engagement
                                                                         framework to categorise
              Apical fosters engagement through our supplier Anchor
                                                                         suppliers according to
              programmes that takes an inclusive approach to work with our
                                                                         high, medium or low
              suppliers and ensure they meet commitments and standards set
              out in our Sustainability Policy. This is comprised of the Priority
              Supplier Engagement Programme (PSEP), the Shared Value
              Programme (SVP), and the Traceability Outreach Programme              Grievance
              (TOP). We also developed the Suppliers Self-Assessment (SFA)    An investigation is
              tool to help suppliers identify any gaps with our NDPE policy. The   conducted when the
              Collaborative Action Remote Engagement (CARE) was developed   sustainability policy is violated.
              during the COVID-19 pandemic to overcome physical distancing   Our Grievance Procedure
              restrictions and engage with our suppliers virtually.     and supplier engagement
                                                                     programs provides guidelines
                                                                       on formulating remediation
             Disclosure &
             Reporting                           Monitoring
             We regularly collect             Apical monitors
             sustainability information       and verifies the                Transformation
             of our operations                progress of our           Through Apical’s Anchor
             and supply chain for           suppliers through           Programs and grievance
             disclosure and reporting       the use of satellite   monitoring process, we contribute
             purposes. Apical assess         monitoring, and        to external verification of our
             the collected data to            an independent       suppliers’ traceability level and
             understand trends,                  verification   NDPE compliance. Non-compliant
             progress and identify              organisation.        suppliers must complete our
             gaps for improvement.                                      transformation initiative.

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