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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


          RISK MANAGEMENT                             The BoD and Apical employees are expected to
                                                      adhere to the Code of Conduct, which provides
          Apical prioritises environmental responsibility through   guidance  on employees’ behaviour  in line  with our
          a robust risk management system aligned with ISO   Core Values – TOPICC. New employees are provided
          31000:2018 standards. This framework identifies and   with the Code of Conduct and Apical’s Core Values
          mitigates potential risks impacting operations and   during their orientation programme, while current
          stakeholders based on severity and likelihood.  employees undergo periodic training to refresh their
                                                      understanding of Apical’s core values.
           •   Strategic  Oversight: A biannual Risk
              Management   Committee  (RMC)  led      Our commitment to business ethics is extended to
              by Apical’s President addresses highly   our suppliers. Apical ensures that our suppliers abide
              consequential risks, including ESG concerns.  with the COPE, which details commitments to ethical
                                                      conduct and the prohibition of corruption. Apical is
           •   Operational Implementation: A Group Risk
                                                      deeply committed to ensuring the integration of
              Management Department (GRMD) with site
                                                      sustainable  practices  to  our  business  operations,  as
              representatives implements our approach
                                                      we believe it will lead to our long-term success and
              to reporting, investigating, and addressing
                                                      provide benefits to our stakeholders.
              non-compliances. They maintain a risk
              register and report to senior management
              quarterly.                              ANTI-CORRUPTION AND ANTI-BRIBERY
                                                      GRI 2-27, 205-1, 206-1
           •  Transparent  Communication: GRMD
              actively communicates goals, policies and   Apical is cognisant of the importance of upholding
              procedures through various channels to the   integrity in its business conduct. We have published
              Board and employees.                    our Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (ABC) Policy in
                                                      2023 that all employees must abide to comply with
                                                      the applicable ABC Laws. The policy mandates strict
          ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE                       compliance with all relevant laws and regulations
          GRI 2-27, 206-1
                                                      regarding  bribery  and  corruption  in  all  countries
                                                      where Apical operates. This includes adhering to the
          Apical is committed to upholding integrity in all
                                                      guidelines outlined in the United Nations Convention
          business dealings, in accordance with legal and ethical
                                                      Against Corruption.
          standards. The Code of Conduct requires employees
          to comply with all applicable anti-trust and competition
                                                      All Apical’s employees and any persons who
          laws in countries where we operate. There were no
                                                      performs services and/or acts for and on behalf of
          reported incidents of anti-competitive behaviour and
                                                      Apical including contractors, suppliers, consultants,
          anti-trust monopolistic practice involving Apical in
                                                      agency staff and business partners are required to
                                                      comply  to this policy. Any cases  of non-compliance
                                                      are subject to investigations and disciplinary

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