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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

                                     APICAL GRIEVANCE PROCESS FLOW

                                        GSR  identifies potential grievance
                                         cases via the Apical Grievance   Allegations raised by Whistle
                                          Alerts & Monitoring System  Blowers against our “Suppliers”  Alerts
           GSC clarifies to Whistle Blowers/  Are we sourcing          GSC  to acknowledge receipt
                  Case closed                from this Company?          (within 5 working days)
                                         Is there preliminary evidence of   No
                                                      Yes              Request for more information
                                         SET  approaches suppliers for
                                          clarification and documented
                                        evidence (within 3 weeks from the
                                             date of letter RFC*)
                                    Yes                                                          Verification & Engagement
                                            Satisfactorily addressed?

                                          Further investigate through
                                        Desktop review and/or Grievance   Physical meeting with supplier
                                            field verification by VT     Management to address the NDPE
                                               (if necessary)        commitments & Compliance issues
                                          Evidence of NDPE Compliant?
             Grievance update on Apical
           Sustainability Progress Dashboard          No
                                        Evidenced on-going land clearing   Immediate instruction to cease land
                                            on peat or forest areas?     clearing on affected sites
                                        Supplier commits to remedialaction
                                        (or recovery) plan , where feasible
         Note:                           Review business relations with
         1     GSC – Grievance           suppliers (within 3 months from   Where necessary, to hold on / cease
            Steering                      the date of complaint lodged   sourcing from the noncompliant
            Committee                                                                            Monitoring & Resolution
         2     GSR – Grievance           and verified evidence of policy   suppliers; or suppliers that failed
            Secretariat                         violation)             to commit and cooperate in
         3     SET – Stakeholder                                      addressing the grievance / NDPE
            Engagement                                                        violations
         4     VT – Verification        On-going Supplier re-/engagement
            Team                            & progress monitoring
         *     RFC – Request
            for Clarification       No
         #     Site-specific,                Grievance resolved?
            case-by-case                        Yes
            basis for optimal
            results                             Case closed
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