Page 35 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          Apical Board of Directors (BoD) assumes the highest   Our dedicated sustainability team oversees tasks
          level of responsibility in steering Apical towards   include but are not limited to:
          a path of sustainable development. The senior
          management team comprising of the President, the      Advising the Board on  Apical Group’s
          Executive Director and the Head of Sustainability   sustainability strategy, considering material
          assume responsibility for the review and approval   ESG matters to the Group and our operations
          of information presented in the Apical sustainability
          report. Final approval of the sustainability report      Engaging  stakeholders  to  ensure  their
          before publication is granted by the President.   concerns on  ESG are  considered  and
          The BoD and senior management team are
                                                           Monitoring  the  implementation  and
          responsible for the strategic and operational
                                                           incorporation  of   Apical2030   and
          management of Apical. This includes ensuring
                                                           sustainability initiatives
          the company’s core values are incorporated in
          key sustainability initiatives, making informed
                                                           Managing  supply  chain  transparency  by
          investment and divestment decisions, and managing
                                                           monitoring and keeping abreast to latest
          environmental and social risks. Their oversight is
                                                           technology e.g. satellite monitoring to
          supported by the discussion on material sustainability
                                                           mitigate supply chain risks
          topics of Apical during biannual Board meetings.
                                                           Implementing initiatives to remain engaged
          The senior management team, which includes the   with our suppliers and to ensure development
          Executive Director, Head of Sustainability and other   of a transparent and sustainable supply chain.
          business leaders, is primarily responsible for ensuring   Apical created A-SIMPLE Framework to assist
          sustainability is integrated across all business and   our suppliers on their  sustainability journey
          functional  units.  Sustainability  is  one  of  the  key   according  to  Apical’s policies.  To  facilitate
          functions that the Executive Director oversees.
                                                           adoption of sustainable practices, we devised
                                                           the Anchor Programmes for our suppliers
          The  Head  of  Sustainability  is  aided  by  dedicated
          sustainability teams located in Kuala Lumpur,
                                                           Ensuring  proper  certification  standards  of
          Pekanbaru, Medan, Jakarta, Balikpapan and Dumai.
                                                           our facilities and products to commit to
          These teams oversee the implementation and
                                                           responsible production and sustainable
          monitoring of Apical’s sustainability commitments.
                                                           practices in the palm oil sector
          Monthly meetings are held between the Head of
          Sustainability and the respective teams to monitor and      Employing  third-party  verifications  for  our
          assess the sustainability performance of the company,   traceability data and NDPE commitments
          manage issues and to determine opportunities for
                                                      Each of our operations has a dedicated Social, Security
                                                      and Licensing (SSL) department that oversees social
                                                      and  licensing  matters,  in  accordance  with  national
                                                      regulations and our Sustainability Policy, Human
                                                      Rights Policy and Sourcing Policy. The department
                                                      also oversees Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
                                                      programmes aimed at enriching the livelihoods of
                                                      local communities.
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