Page 33 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          DEFORESTATION FREE DUE DILIGENCE           capacity-building programmes, we ensure the industry
          FRAMEWORK                                  players understand their role in achieving EUDR
                                                     compliance. This applies to all palm oil and derivatives,
          Apical is committed to protecting and conserving   as well as all raw materials used for products destined
          forests, biodiversity and social well-being to ensure a   for the EU/EEA market.
          traceable, sustainable and deforestation-free supply
          chain. In 2023, we commenced the development   To further strengthen our commitment to
          of  the DFDD  building  upon  Apical’s  A-SIMPLE   deforestation-free supply chains, we are developing
          Framework. This framework seamlessly integrates   a digital platform to support the implementation of
          DFDD implementation into our operations, enhancing   DFDD framework with real time data monitoring.
          transparency and accountability throughout our   This platform, to be launched in 2024, will enhance
          supply chain and supports our compliance to     traceability by streamlining the supply chain to
          EUDR, customer specific sustainability requirements,     shipment tracking and due diligence processes.
          and  meet  future legislations  of  importing  countries.   It will ensure compliance with the EUDR among
          Additionally, the DFDD framework streamlines   suppliers  while  providing  a  transparent  and  efficient
          processes  and  optimises  operational  efficiency  by   data  management  system  to  support  audits.  This
          providing clear guidelines for EUDR compliance and   platform  marks  a  significant  step  towards  increased
          future legislations.                       transparency and accountability in our supply chain.
          Collaboration and inclusivity are also crucial to   CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
          our proactive approach, which is demonstrated   GRI 2-7, 2-9, 2-11, 2-12, 2-13, 2-14, 205-3, 206-1
          by driving the development and implementation
          of SOPs for systemic EUDR compliance across   We prioritise good corporate governance to achieve
          our supply chain and operations. These SOPs   our sustainability goals. This means operating ethically
          complement our existing A-SIMPLE Framework   and transparently, complying with all local regulations
          and align with local and international sustainability   and upholding the highest standards of business
          regulations, ensuring a comprehensive and compliant   conduct.
          approach  among  relevant  stakeholders,  including
          smallholders. Through inclusive communication and    Our Code of Conduct guides employees by outlining
                                                     expected  standards,  such  as  anti-corruption,
                                                     fair competition and environmental responsibility.
                                                     It promotes sustainable practices, protects workers’
                                                     rights, and enforces zero tolerance for social injustices.
                                                     These principles extend to our suppliers through the
                                                     Apical’s Code of Procurement Ethics (COPE).

                                                     In 2023, we recorded no new or outstanding
                                                     non-compliances with national laws and regulations
                                                     of  countries  where  we  operate.  We  recorded  zero
                                                     incidents of corruption and anti-competitive behaviour.

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