Page 38 - APICAL_SR2023
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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


          GRI 2-25
          Apical empowers stakeholders to raise concerns and
          seek solutions for potential or actual sustainability
          issues, aligning with  the principles  of responsible
          practices  outlined  in  the  RSPO  Principles  &  Criteria
          (RSPO P&C) 2018. Stakeholders can raise potential or
          actual negative impacts and seek remediation through
          various channels without any fears of reprisal:

           •   24/7  Online  Form: Accessible on our
              website for easy reporting.

           •  Email: Submit a grievance form anonymously
              or with contact information.

           •  Third-Party  Representation: Stakeholders
              can choose a representative to voice their
              concerns.                              Apical’s  Grievance  Process  Flow  allows  sustainability
                                                     concerns within the supply chain to be raised,
                           Available on the          investigated and addressed in a transparent manner.
                           Apical website            This system allows stakeholders to report issues of
                                                     concern and allows Apical to facilitate a thorough
                                                     investigation to ensure compliance to our policies and
                                                     standards. We continuously monitor our supply chain
                                                     and ensure that all grievances raised are addressed.
                                                     In addition, we review our grievance management
         The grievance mechanism is managed and      system and processes periodically to identify areas for
         implemented by the company through our Grievance   enhancement.
         Steering Committee (GSC), Grievance Secretariat,
                                                     We are committed to ensuring appropriate remedial
         Stakeholder Engagement Team and Grievance
                                                     actions  are  taken  for  all  verified  grievances  and
         Verification Team (GVT).
         The GSC is headed by the President and Executive
         Director of Apical that oversees the grievance
         management. The Head of Sustainability updates the
         Senior Management on the grievance reports every
         month through a Financial Reporting Meeting (FRM)
         and on an ad-hoc basis for urgent reports to the BoD.

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