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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP


          The commitment and collaboration of all stakeholders are necessary to   WHISTLEBLOWING
          ensure a transparent process for managing and processing grievances.   GRI 2-26
          Suppliers are required to cooperate to support the investigation in
          addressing any grievance and/or allegations made against them in   Apical offers a whistleblowing
          violation of our Policies and commit to remediation and/or grievance   channel that is accessible through
          resolution proposal within a stipulated timeline. In relation to any credible   our  website.  This  platform
          evidence of deforestation, suppliers’ shall commit to stop land clearing   is  available  for  employees
          and perform a High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock   and external stakeholders to
          (HCS) assessment and if necessary, any additional appropriate measures   anonymously  report  concerns
          to halt and remediate the deforested area. The list of grievances along   about our operations or suppliers’
          with their status are available on our grievance tracker in our website:   practices. This mechanism aligns
                                                                    with our grievance process and
                        In 2023, there were 2 grievances raised, 1 against   ensures reports are reviewed by
                        Apical Group and 1 against our supplier. The grievances   the dedicated GVT.
                        were related to allegations of environmental pollution
                        (noise and air) and illegal  Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB)   Employees are encouraged to
                        sourcing. Both cases have been investigated and one   report any violations of the Code
                        has been resolved. About 4.56% our total supplying   of Conduct or company policies,
          mills were implicated in grievance issues, as reported in our Grievance   such as illegal, irregular, dangerous
          Tracker on our website.                                   or unethical activities. They can do
                                                                    so without fear of reprisal through
          The total area of illegal/non-compliant deforestation recorded from   the following channels:
          January 2016 until December 2023 for all our suspended suppliers is
          65,193.71 ha.                                              01  Reporting Manager or HR
                                                                         This  is  the  preferred  first
           Total Grievance Cases Received in 2023
                                                                         point of contact.
            Total cases     Cases         Cases      Cases under         Online Whistleblowing
             received     investigated   resolved     monitoring     02
                                                                         Available on the Apical
                2           100%           50%          50%
                                                                         website with clear submission
           Total Accumulated Grievance Cases since 2015
                                                                        For further information
            Total cases     Cases         Cases      Cases under
             received     investigated   resolved     monitoring        regarding the whistleblowing
                                                                        mechanism, visit our website
                60          100%           78%          22%             and view the available
                                                                        reporting channels.

          40  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                                                                                                             APICAL GROUP  41
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