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          Evolving Together is the theme for Apical’s 2023
          sustainability report. Meaningful and consistent
          progress on our sustainability agenda happens
          through transforming how we conduct business
          with the support and inputs from stakeholders,
          including suppliers and communities. Strengthening
          partnerships,  utilising  innovative  technologies,
          and  empowering  smallholders  enable  us to  push
          boundaries on what we can achieve to protect the
          planet and our people, while also generating value
          for Apical.

          REPORTING FRAMEWORK                         For more details on our sustainability efforts,
                                                      visit our regularly updated Sustainability Progress
          Our sustainability report is prepared in reference   Dashboard hosted on our website. Each entity
          to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)  Universal   within Apical Group transparently reports on its
          Standards 2021.                             performance across all material topics, ensuring
                                                      comprehensive and balanced data.
          At Apical Group (the “Group” or "Apical"),
          we look to address the gaps in our sustainability   EXTERNAL ASSURANCE
          performance  by benchmarking our sustainability
          processes and performance against our peers and   Apical is committed to enhancing the accuracy
          industry best standards and practices.      and  transparency  of  our  non-financial  reporting
                                                      and seeks external assurance for our annual
          BOUNDARY AND SCOPE OF THIS REPORT           sustainability reports.

          Our sustainability reports are published annually,   Approved by the President, the Executive Director,
          detailing information from the previous Financial   the Head of Sustainability and the Head of each
          Year (FY). This report contains information for   refinery  and  business  unit,  Apical  has  obtained
          FY2023, unless otherwise stated. The reporting   its annual external assurance on the sustainability
          period of this report is 1 January 2023 –    data disclosed in this report from the independent
          31 December 2023, which is aligned to our financial   assurance  provider,  Control  Union  Certifications
          reporting period. The report is published on    B.V.  Control  Union  Certifications  has  confirmed
          26 June 2024.                               that  Apical  fulfils  the  firm's  internal  governance
                                                      benchmark and professional ethics procedures.
          The scope of the report includes the Group's
          environmental, social and governance performance   Control  Union  Certifications  is  one  of  the  first
                                                      certification  bodies  involved  in  sustainable
          of its operations across Indonesia, China and Spain,
          in relation to the Group's strategies, commitments,   Palm  oil  certification,  upholding  clause  5.2  of
                                                      International Organisation for Standardisation
          initiatives and goals. This includes eight refineries,
          five  biodiesel  plants,  two  kernel  crushing  plants,   (ISO)/IEC  17021-1:2015  (Conformity  assessment
                                                      – Requirements for bodies providing audit and
          and six oleochemical plants. Further sustainability-
          related information is available on our Sustainability   certification  of  management  systems  –  Part  1:
                                                      Requirements)  and  clause  4.2  of  ISO/IEC  17065:
          Progress Dashboard, which we update regularly.
                                                      2012 (Conformity assessment – Requirements
                                                      for bodies certifying products, processes and

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