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          Control Union Certifications conducted independent
                                                            02   About This Report
          assurance on selected disclosures, specifically:
                                                            04   President’s Statement
          •  The  materiality  topics  of  Apical  including  from
                                                            08   About Apical
            engagement with stakeholders;
                                                            14   2023 Highlights
          •  The  engagement  process  with  stakeholders
                                                            16   Apical2030 Highlights
            during organisational decision making; and
                                                            18   Our Approach to Sustainability
          •  Apical’s  responses  to  stakeholders’  feedback
                                                            51   Transformative Partnerships
            and grievances through the company’s actions,
            performance and communication.                  72   Climate Action
                                                            79   Green Innovation
          To guarantee the credibility of our sustainability
          data, an independent audit was conducted across     99   Inclusive Progress
          all Apical’s operations in Indonesia, China and Spain,     133  Materiality Assessment and Stakeholder
          achieving a moderate level of assurance.              Engagement
                                                            142  Appendix 1: GRI Content Index
          For transparency, the scope and results of this
          external verification are reported to Apical’s senior     157  Appendix 2: Assurance Statement
          management including the President, Executive
                                                            159  Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms
          Director and Head of Sustainability. The contents
          of the Sustainability Report are also reviewed and
          approved by senior management.
          Refer  to  pages  157-158  for  the  full  assurance
          statement and the scope of data assured.

          We value and appreciate all feedback to enhance
          the relevancy of our reporting and meet the needs
          and expectations of stakeholders. Please direct   Scan here for Apical’s Sustainability
          any questions or comments pertaining to our     Progress Dashboard at
          sustainability report to:             

          Chandramohan A/L K Dharmapalan Nair,
          Head of Sustainability for Apical Group

          AAA Oils & Fats Pte Ltd (Headquarters)
          80 Raffles Place
          #50-01 UOB Plaza 1
          Singapore 048624                                Scan here for more information.
                                                          This Sustainability Report is available at
 2  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                 APICAL GROUP   3
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