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                               About This   President’s   About    2023    Apical2030   Approach to   Transformative
                                Report  Statement  Apical  Highlights  Highlights  Sustainability  Partnerships

          APICAL GROUP

          Lastly,  in  Inclusive  Progress,  we  have  officially  rolled   Our sustainability journey continues
          out our Sustainable Living Village (SLV) Programme   – achieving our ambitious goals will
          in Aceh Singkil, following its launch in January 2023.
          This marks a crucial step forward in promoting forest   require ongoing dedication and
          conservation and protection as well as improving the   strategic investment.
          livelihoods of the community, while closely working
          together with local communities and the government.   and/or renewable diesel, enabling the reduction of
          We have also completed our inception phase in three   CO   emissions.  We  aim  to  play  a  significant  role  in
          villages in East Kalimantan for the SLV programme.  2
                                                     supplying  the  plant  with  2G feedstock   to address
          We remain steadfast in our commitment to the SMILE   industry challenge of accessing raw materials for SAF
          programme, which centres on fostering inclusivity and   production. Our involvement in SAF represents our
          promoting positive engagement with independent   commitment in promoting sustainable energy and
          smallholders. These components are essential for   transition to low carbon.
          driving  significant  transformations  and  working
                                                     Apical and Asian Agri successfully concluded a
          together to tackle climate change while adhering to
                                                     three-year, US$1 billion Sustainability Linked Loan (SLL)
          evolving regulatory standards alongside smallholders.
                                                     to  bolster  our  sustainable  operations  and  facilitate
          MILESTONES IN 2023                         our  expansion  endeavors.  This  loan  is  tied  to  three
                                                     key performance indicators (KPIs) that underscore
          Notwithstanding the headwinds confronting the   our dedication to supplier engagement for enhanced
          industry, 2023 marked many noteworthy milestones   traceability, the utilisation of renewable energy
          for Apical. One notable initiative was the transition   and collaboration with suppliers to adhere to our
          from our Sustainability Policy 2014 to the enhanced   NDPE policy.
          Sustainability Policy 2023 that reaffirms our unwavering
          commitment  to  responsible  corporate  citizenship
          and  dedication to  becoming  the  most  reliable
          integrated processor of sustainable vegetable oil and
          value-added downstream products. This enhancement
          complements the launch of our Apical Group's Human
          Rights Policy. This policy aligns with international
          human rights standards and ensures our respect for
          fundamental human rights throughout our supply
          Apical also made strides on the aviation front through
          a joint venture with Cepsa to produce second
          generation (2G) biofuels by constructing the largest
          plant in southern Europe, which can produce SAF

          1    Organic waste such as agricultural waste and used cooking oils

          6  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                                                                                                              APICAL GROUP   7
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