Page 7 - APICAL_SR2023
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                                      Assessment    Appendix 1:    Appendix 2:   Appendix 3:
            Climate  Green   Inclusive   and Stakeholder   GRI Content   Assurance   Glossary of
            Action  Innovation  Progress  Engagement  Index  Statement  Terms

          LOOKING FORWARD                            As our sustainability journey continues, achieving our
                                                     ambitious goals will require ongoing dedication and
          Apical2030 continues to be our key focus,   strategic investment. We will endeavour to implement
          with  significant  emphasis  placed  on  collaborative   the necessary tools and resources by modernising our
          engagements with our stakeholders and enhancing   systems and processes to manage sustainability in our
          our system processes. This process includes improved   supply chains and operations.
          tracking and monitoring of GHG emissions from
          our suppliers, ensuring alignment with the highest   But achieving sustainability isn't just about
          ESG standards and compliance with regulatory   infrastructure, it’s about people. We need the
          requirements.                              commitment and collaboration of our entire
                                                     community – employees, partners, smallholders
          Apical recognises the importance of evolving with   and other stakeholders. Open communication and
          the dynamic regulatory landscapes. Our commitment   shared understanding are crucial. That's why Apical
          to  mitigating  deforestation  and  forest  degradation   is advocating for a collaborative and inclusive effort
          aligns closely with the requirements of the European   that empowers everyone to contribute and evolve
          Union’s  Deforestation-free  Regulation  (EUDR).   together.
          We are proactively aligning our operations to
          comply with the requirements of EUDR to serve   Together, let’s build a culture of sustainability from
          our customers, which is set to be enforced in   the ground up. By working hand-in-hand, we can turn
          December 2024. In response to that, we have   our commitments into lasting progress.
          introduced the Deforestation-Free Due Diligence
          (DFDD) Implementation Framework to enhance our   Yours sincerely,
          traceability and compliance efforts. This initiative   Dato’ Yeo How
          builds on our pre-existing A-SIMPLE Framework
          and leverages digital technology to ensure our best
          practices of environmental stewardship.
 6  SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023                                                 APICAL GROUP   7
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