Page 76 - APICAL_SR2020
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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06

          GRI CONTENT

                             Disclosure                            Page references/
           GRI Standard      Number       GRI Disclosure Title     Reasons for omission
           Material Issues (cont’d)
           Working with Suppliers and Smallholders (cont’d)
           GRI 103:          103-1        Explanation of the material   29, 64-65
           Management                     topic and its Boundary
           Approach 2016
                             103-2        The management approach   14-15, 25, 29-31
                                          and its components
                             103-3        Evaluation of the        16, 25, 29-31
                                          management approach
           Environmental Management
           Climate Action
           GRI 103:          103-1        Explanation of the material   64-65
           Management                     topic and its Boundary
           Approach 2016
                             103-2        The management approach   44
                                          and its components
                             103-3        Evaluation of the        16
                                          management approach
           Emissions Reduction
           GRI 103:          103-1        Explanation of the material   38, 64-65
           Management                     topic and its Boundary
           Approach 2016
                             103-2        The management approach   24, 38-39
                                          and its components
                             103-3        Evaluation of the        16, 24, 38-39
                                          management approach
           GRI 305:          305-1        Direct (Scope 1) GHG     39
           Emissions 2016                 emissions
                             305-2        Energy indirect (Scope 2)   39
                                          GHG emissions
                             305-4        GHG emissions intensity  39

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