Page 81 - APICAL_SR2020
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07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
                              Appendix: Materiality and
                               Stakeholder Engagement

                                Disclosure                            Page references/
             GRI Standard       Number       GRI Disclosure Title     Reasons for omission
             Material Issues (cont’d)
             Labour Relations (cont’d)
             Worker Health, Safety and Well-being (cont’d)
                                403-6        Promotion of worker health  50
                                403-7        Prevention and mitigation   50
                                             of occupational health and
                                             safety impacts directly linked
                                             by business relationships
                                403-9        Work-related injuries    51-52
             Community Livelihood
             Community Livelihood and Empowerment
             GRI 103:           103-1        Explanation of the material   54, 56, 64-65
             Management                      topic and its Boundary
             Approach 2016
                                103-2        The management approach   26, 54, 56-59
                                             and its components
                                103-3        Evaluation of the        16, 26, 56-59
                                             management approach
             GRI 203:           203-1        Infrastructure investments   58
             Indirect Economic               and services supported
             Impacts 2016
             GRI 413:           413-2        Operations with significant   55
             Local Communities               actual and potential negative
             2016                            impacts on local communities
             Rights of Indigenous and Local Communities
             GRI 103:           103-1        Explanation of the material   54, 64
             Management                      topic and its Boundary
             Approach 2016
                                103-2        The management approach   25, 55
                                             and its components
                                103-3        Evaluation of the        16, 55
                                             management approach
             GRI 411:           411-1        Incidents of violations   55
             Rights of Indigenous            involving rights of indigenous
             Peoples 2016                    peoples

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