Page 77 - APICAL_SR2020
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07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
                              Appendix: Materiality and
                               Stakeholder Engagement

                                Disclosure                            Page references/
             GRI Standard       Number       GRI Disclosure Title     Reasons for omission
             Material Issues (cont’d)
             Environmental Management (cont’d)
             Fire Prevention and Management
             GRI 103:           103-1        Explanation of the material   45
             Management                      topic and its Boundary
             Approach 2016
                                103-2        The management approach   26, 45
                                             and its components
                                103-3        Evaluation of the        16, 26, 45
                                             management approach
             Protection of Forests and Biodiversity
             GRI 103:           103-1        Explanation of the material   43, 64-65
             Management                      topic and its Boundary
             Approach 2016      103-2        The management approach   24, 43
                                             and its components
                                103-3        Evaluation of the        16, 24, 43
                                             management approach
             GRI 304:           304-2        Significant impacts of   43
             Biodiversity 2016               activities, products, and
                                             services on biodiversity
             Water Management
             GRI 103:           103-1        Explanation of the material   38, 64, 66
             Management                      topic and its Boundary
             Approach 2016      103-2        The management approach   27, 40-41
                                             and its components
                                103-3        Evaluation of the        16, 27, 40-41
                                             management approach
             GRI 303:           303-1        Interactions with water as a   40
             Water and Effluents             shared resource
                                303-2        Management of water      40
                                             discharge-related impacts
                                303-3        Water withdrawal         40
                                303-4        Water discharge          41
                                303-5        Water consumption        40

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