Page 71 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 71

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
                              Appendix: Materiality and
                               Stakeholder Engagement

             Stakeholder   Engagement Method      Topics & Concerns
             Group         & Frequency            Raised                 Apical’s Response
             Local         •  Dialogue with community   •  Address community   •  Prioritised employment
             community       groups and representatives   concerns including FPIC  opportunities to local
                             facilitated by our dedicated   •  Ensure palm oil brings   communities
                             SSL team (regularly)   benefits to the local   •  Conducted Social and
                           •  Outreach programmes to   community such as better   Environment Impact
                             improve livelihood (annually)  infrastructure, access to   Assessments and ensured
                           •  Apical’s grievance    employment opportunities  better communication on
                             mechanism to understand   •  Fire prevention  FPIC
                             and address community                       •  Increased in community
                             concerns including                            investments and
                             FPIC and environmental                        programmes to improve
                             conservation (ongoing)                        well-being, infrastructure
                           •  Complaint handling,                          and basic needs
                             grievance procedures                        •  Prevention of fire outbreak
                             and conflict resolution                       with Free Fire Village
                             engagement (ad hoc)                           Programmes
                           •  Surveys (periodically)
             Governments   •  One-on-one meetings   •  Compliance with   •  Provided up to date
             and regulatory   (ad hoc)              government policies and   with documentation on
             bodies        •  Multi-stakeholder forums   regulations       compliance for Apical and
                             and events (regularly)  •  Communication around   our suppliers
                           •  Consultations (regularly)  Apical’s policies and   •  Discussion with the
                           •  Apical Website (ad hoc)  actions in responsible palm   Coordinating Ministry
                           •  Apical Sustainability   oil                  of Economic Affairs on
                             Dashboard (ongoing)  •  Alignment of Apical’s   supply chain transparency
                           •  Materiality assessment   initiatives with government   and traceability
                             (every 2-3 years)      policies especially in HCV/  •  Updated Ministry on
                           •  Field visits (regularly)  HCS areas and smallholder   SUSTAIN initiative
                           •  Survey (periodically)  development
             Suppliers     •  Anchor Programmes   •  Information on compliance   •  Capacity building
             including     •  One-on-one            with Apical’s Sustainability   to ensure suppliers
             smallholders    communication (ongoing)  Policy and standards   implement sustainability
                           •  Apical Website (ad hoc)  including traceability   best practices within
                           •  Sustainability Report   requirements         operations and ensure
                             (annually)           •  Clarification on grievances   responsible production,
                           •  Apical Sustainability   lodged on supplier’s   in line with Apical’s
                             Dashboard (ongoing)    operations             Sustainability Policy
                           •  Materiality assessment   •  Risk assessments of   •  Enhanced fire prevention
                             (every 2-3 years)      supply chains          measures through
                           •  Survey (periodically)  •  Gaps in traceability data   the Fire Free Village
                                                    collection             Programme and increased
                                                  •  Supplier screening and   the understanding
                                                    monitoring             on the importance
                                                                           of environmental
                                                                         •  Continued supplier
                                                                           engagement through our
                                                                           Anchor Programmes

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