Page 67 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 67

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
                              Appendix: Materiality and
                               Stakeholder Engagement

             Material Issues                                                          Priority
             Supplier engagement, including smallholder development:                   High
             Having constructive engagement with suppliers for policy compliance and traceability,
             and supporting the socio-economic development and welfare of smallholders that form
             part of our supply chain
             Traceability:                                                             High
             Working with suppliers and industry partners to ensure the traceability of raw materials

             Workers’ health, safety and well-being:                                   High
             Ensuring that the company’s workers and contractors are provided with safe, suitable and
             sanitary work facilities, and are provided with protective equipment and training necessary
             to perform their tasks safely

             Climate action:                                                         Moderate
             Working with the community and stakeholders to build our resilience and strengthen
             our commitment to mitigate the effects of climate change
             Community livelihood & empowerment:                                     Moderate
             Contributing to local communities in terms of jobs, income opportunities, education
             and skills, and the development of shared infrastructure
             Employee wages and benefits:                                            Moderate
             Providing fair wages and benefits to employees

             Equal rights & opportunities:                                           Moderate
             Providing equal rights and opportunity to all employees free of discrimination
             Fire prevention and management:                                         Moderate
             Working with farmers and communities to prevent and supress forest fires, especially in
             carbon-rich peat lands
             Governance and business ethics:                                         Moderate
             Conducting our business activities ethically and in accordance with the highest governance
             Human rights, including child labour:                                   Moderate
             Preventing the risk of forced, bonded or child labour occurring in the supply chain or
             workforce and promoting freedom of association and trade membership

             Innovation:                                                             Moderate
             Innovating and leveraging technology to enhance sustainability, traceability and business

             Sustainability standards and certifications:                            Moderate
             Ensuring that our sustainability performance is upheld by externally recognised certifications
             and standards (such as RSPO)
             Training and development:                                               Moderate
             Supporting employee training and providing development opportunities

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