Page 62 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 62

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06


          102-2, 102-6

                                                        We supply them with a range of quality edible
                                                        oils, from crude palm oil (CPO) and crude
                                                        palm kernel oil (CPKO) to various forms of
                                                        processed palm oil (PPO), processed palm
                                                        kernel oil (PPKO), as well as refined soybean
             Apical’s customers include                 oil (RBDSBO), all of which can be further
             palm oil traders, biofuel                  processed  into  value-added  products.
                                                        Apart from the domestic market in Indonesia,
             manufacturers, retailers,                  Apical’s products are also sold to other parts of
             wholesalers, consumer                      Asia, Europe, America, Australasia and Africa.
             goods manufacturers and                    We work closely with our customers to meet
             other businesses in the                    their market needs and requirements for safe,
             fast-moving consumer                       high-quality, traceable and sustainable palm
                                                        oil. We also proactively provide updates to our
             goods (FMCG) industry.                     customers on our sustainability progress.

          Ensuring Product Quality and Safety
          103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 416-2

          At Apical, we pride ourselves in supplying edible
          oils that are safe and of high quality. We ensure
          this through the implementation of continuous   Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000 ver 4.1
          improvement measures and operating in line with   THE FSSC 22000 focuses on the Food Safety
          the relevant global standards.           Management System of an organisation and is
                                                   recognised for meeting the highest standards
          We regularly appoint independent third-party   globally.
          certification bodies to verify the standards of
          our products. Our palm oil products are Good   Other  than  certifications,  we  have  also
          Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Hazard   implemented various programmes to further
          Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) certified   ensure the quality and safety of our products.
          for food safety.                         This includes GMP refreshment training for
                                                   all  employees, biannual  internal audits,  and
          Products from our Indonesian refineries are Halal   inhouse training by credible external providers on
          and  kosher  certified  as  well  as  in  compliance   implementing international standards. Our Excelic
          with the Indonesian  National Standard (SNI)  for   refinery in China has also developed standard
          product quality. We adhere to the Palm Oil Refiners   operating procedures to prevent and manage
          Association of Malaysia’s (PORAM) standards   food fraud as well as allergens.
          for PPO and tailor our product specifications
          according to our customers’ requirements. End   There were no incidents of non-compliance with
          products from our AAJ Marunda refinery are   regulations and voluntary codes concerning the
          also certified in line with the Foundation Food   health and safety impacts of our products in 2020.

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