Page 58 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 58

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06


              Empowering Communities
              103-2, 103-3

              Apart  from  job  opportunities,  Apical
              supports income diversification among
              local communities by providing training
              programmes  to  develop  their  skills.
              For example, our SDS refinery in Lubuk
              Gaung, Dumai implemented the  Kelompok
              Usaha Bersama programme which aims to
              equip residents with skills related to growing     share knowledge and improve participants’
              onion and chilli as well as goat farming.   skills in various areas. This includes training
              Through a collaboration with the local   women to become entrepreneurs by turning
              agriculture department, we taught local   their hobbies into a source of income. In
              farmers to plant, grow and harvest chilli.     2020, we supported the opening of a new
              As of 2020, the chilli farmers were managing   barbershop which is managed by local
              21 farms, harvesting 0.5kg of chilli every two   women who participated in this programme.
              weeks. The goat farming programme saw   The programme also trained aspiring female
              an increase in the number of goats farmed,     bakers.
              from 10 in 2018 when it was first introduced
              to 87 in 2020. Throughout 2020, our SDS   In 2020, we also held English Language
              refinery provided PKE pulp as additional feed   lessons for 26 children from local communities
              for the goats on a monthly basis.     aged between nine and 12 as part of the
                                                    project. However, the face-to-face lessons
              Our SDS refinery also continued to run   have been put on hold due to the coronavirus
              the  Rumah Pintar project which aims to   outbreak and its continuity will be reviewed
              provide a unique collaborative space to   in 2021.

              Supporting Smallholders

              While   smallholders  contribute
              significantly to the production of palm
              oil in Indonesia, they continue to face
              challenges in productivity and meeting
              sustainability standards. Apical is
              committed to helping smallholders
              adopt sustainable practices and
              facilitating their inclusion in our supply

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