Page 57 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 57

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
                       Community Livelihood

                 Respecting the Rights of Indigenous and Local Communities
                 103-2, 103-3, 411-1, 413-2
                 Apical respects the legal and customary   Since our facilities are located in designated
                 rights of local communities in land tenure   industrial  zones,  our operations  are  unlikely
                 and  ownership.  Any  access  or  use of  such   to have  a direct impact  on the  rights  of
                 land for development must be carried out in   indigenous communities. Apical engages
                 compliance with the Free, Prior and Informed   accredited  consultants  and government
                 Consent (FPIC) procedure, the RSPO    agencies  to  carry  out  environmental
                 Principles & Criteria and the United Nations   impact analysis or  Analisis Mengenai
                 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous   Dampak  Lingkungan  (AMDAL) for any  new
                 Peoples or ILO 169.                   developments and/or expansion projects that
                                                       may affect surrounding communities and the
                                                       environment in Indonesia.

                                                       Apical plays an active role in preventing land
                                                       conflicts within our supply chain. We require
                                                       our upstream suppliers to conduct rigorous
                                                       assessments to determine whether there
                                                       is land belonging to indigenous people and
                                                       local communities that will be affected by new
                                                       developments. If the proposed development
                                                       project has a potential to affect their land,
                                                       the FPIC procedure must be implemented.
                                                       To guide our suppliers in applying the FPIC
                                                       process, we have developed an FPIC guideline
                                                       which is available on our website.

                       FREE              PRIOR           INFORMED           CONSENT
                    A self-directed   Consent is sought   Indigenous group   The decision is
                   process by those    sufficiently in   being impacted    made collectively
                     affected to      advance of any   receive satisfactory   by the right holders
                    voluntarity give     activities     information on the   and reached
                   consent without    commencing of     key points of the     through a
                      coercion,      being authorised.      project.         customary
                    intimidation or                                        decision-making
                    manipulation.                                           process of the

                 Should the need arise, we aim to resolve social conflicts with all relevant parties in a fair and
                 transparent manner through Apical’s Grievance Procedure. In 2020, there were no incidents
                 involving the rights of the indigenous peoples at our sites or related to our suppliers.

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