Page 55 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 55

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
                    Labour Relations

            Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic
            The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we
            work and manage employees. Since the outbreak
            of COVID-19, Apical has taken various measures to
            ensure our workplace meet strict OHS standards.
            This helps  to minimise  our  employees’  risks of
            exposure to the virus and to ensure that Apical can
            continue operating safely and smoothly.

            At the onset of the pandemic, we rolled out the
            Business Continuity Plan across the organisation.

            When employees were allowed to return to work,    employees were provided with open VPN, which
            we ensured face masks and hand sanitiser were   enabled them to access our company systems
            available within our premise. All employees are   outside of the office. For our biodiesel  plant in
            required to comply with strict COVID-19 prevention   Huelva, Spain, laptops were provided to employees
            measures at workplace. Other safety measures   to facilitate the new norm of working from home.
            enforced include social distancing and regular   At our new PRC refinery, fingerprint scanning was
            temperature checks. A guidebook on COVID-19   switched to facial recognition to reduce physical
            prevention measures to raise awareness amongst   contact and curb the spread of COVID-19.  We also
            our employees was developed by Marunda and   provided  training  and  development  opportunities
            distributed to all employees.              though online  platforms. Recognising  that the
                                                       COVID-19  pandemic  may  impact  individual’s
            Each facility is equipped with different resources to   mental health, surveys were sent out periodically to
            ensure that operations can continue to run smoothly   employees in Spain to gauge their well-being during
            and efficiently. For our refinery in Nanjing, China,   the lockdown period.

                All employees are required to comply with strict COVID-19 prevention measures at workplace

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