Page 53 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 53

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
                    Labour Relations

            A Health & Safety (H&S) Committee is set up in   Depending on the severity of the incident, the H&S
            every refinery in Indonesia with oversight of the   Officer may call for a meeting with the committee
            implementation of our OHS management system.   to discuss it within 24 hours and develop measures
            The committees include representatives from   to mitigate and prevent similar incidents in future.
            the different operating units and is made up of   Workers are also given a stop-work authority should
            management and employees. The committees   they encounter a situation, which they perceive as
            meet once a month and are tasked with      unsafe. We also regularly engage with our suppliers
            responsibilities that include reviewing the current   to ensure that they meet Apical’s OHS standards.
            status of workplace H&S, gathering feedback on   For more information, see the section on Working
            H&S concerns from employees and disseminating   with Suppliers.
            the latest H&S information. Our OHS system is
            continuously being improved through regular
            feedback from the committees.              Zero
            Employees  are  encouraged  to  report  any     Work-related fatalities
            work-related hazards and hazardous situations to   in the last five years
            the respective unit  representative member  of the
            H&S  committee.  These  reports  will  be  discussed
            with the H&S committee who will then decide on    Hazards that pose a risk of high-consequence
            the appropriate action. Should a work-related   injury include faulty equipment and tripping
            incident occur, it will be investigated by a dedicated   hazards. These hazards have been determined
            H&S Officer in every plant who is tasked with   through our risk assessment. In 2020, there was
            ensuring OHS procedures are implemented and   one high-consequence injury which occurred at
            comply with regulations.                   SDS due to a fall.

                                                                          Firefighting training at PT Inti
                                                                          Indosawit Subur’s Buatan I mill
                                                                          in Riau

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