Page 49 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 49

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
                    Labour Relations

            Labour and Human Rights                    factoring in the prices of local goods and services,
                                                       as well as general living expenses.
            Apical is committed to upholding the ILO
            Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights   In  addition,  all  our  permanent  and  temporary
            at Work, which aims to respect and promote   employees receive a range of benefits that include
            principles and rights in four categories: freedom of   life and medical insurance as well as optical and
            association and the effective recognition of the right   dental  care.  Apical  also  gives  monthly  rewards  in
            to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced   the form of daily groceries, such as cooking oil,
            or compulsory labour, the abolition of child labour   to  eligible  employees  who  achieve  a  good
            and the elimination of discrimination in respect of   attendance record.
            employment and occupation.
                                                       In Indonesia, housing facilities are provided for
            Fair wages and benefits                    out-of-town employees in some locations where
            103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 401-2                 we operate. We also have a Motorcycle Ownership
                                                       Programme (MOP) which offers subsidised loans to
            All our employees receive wages that meet or are   some of our permanent employees for the purchase
            above  the minimum  level defined by  local and   of a motorcycle, the typical mode of transport in the
            provincial regulations, where applicable. Minimum   country.
            wages are set according to the cost of living,

            Ratios of Lowest Monthly Wages in Each Region in Indonesia by Gender Compared
            to Local Minimum Wage

                                                                            Ratio         Ratio
                           Monthly legal   Apical’s lowest   Apical’s lowest   (Legal minimum   (Legal minimum
                          minimum wage   monthly wage     monthly wage     wage: Lowest   wage: Lowest
             Region               (IDR)   - Male (IDR)  - Female (IDR)  male wage)  female wage)

             Dumai           3,383,834     3,383,834      3,399,380          1:1           1:1
             Marunda         4,267,349     4,380,168      4,380,168        1:1.03          1:1
             Tg Balai        2,822,425     2,829,000      2,860,000          1:1         1:1.01
             Bagendang       2,991,946     3,030,146      3,022,646        1:1.01         1.01

             Padang          2,484,041     2,507,500      2,510,000        1:1.01          1:1
             Medan           3,222,556     3,222,557      3,372,557          1:1         1:1.05
             Balikpapan      3,069,315     3,069,316      3,082,713          1:1           1:1

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