Page 46 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 46

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06


          Protecting Peatland Areas and Soil        Pesticides that are classified as 1A or 1B by the
                                                    World Health Organisation or that are listed by
          Apical is committed to ensuring we do not   the Stockholm or Rotterdam Conventions, and
          contribute to new developments on peatland areas   paraquat, are prohibited to be used by all suppliers.
          with 65% or more organic soil, regardless of the   Use in exceptional circumstances will need to be
          depth. For suppliers with pre-existing plantations   validated by a due diligence process, or when
          on peatland, we conduct regular engagement   authorised by government authorities for pest
          and workshops to ensure best management   outbreaks. Our commitment to minimise the use
          practices are adopted. This includes effective   of chemicals, including pesticides and chemical
          water  management  to  maximise  oil  palm  yield   fertilisers applies to all suppliers.
          and minimise GHG emissions in existing peat
          estates. We also provide guidance on proper
          water management and monitoring plans,
          ensuring that water table depth is maintained at
          appropriate levels. For areas where existing peat
          is unsuitable for replanting, we collaborate with
          stakeholders and community experts to explore
          options for long-term restoration or alternative use.

          Our  engagement  with  suppliers  includes
          communicating  good  practices  on  enhancing
          soil fertility as well as minimising soil erosion and
          degradation.  We  also  recommend  the  avoidance
          of extensive planting on marginal and fragile soils
          if necessary.

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