Page 41 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 41

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
             Environmental Management

            Energy Consumption in GHG
                                                                           Quantity in GJ
                                                                            2019          2020
             Fuel Consumption from Non-Renewable Sources               3,196,963      5,038,060
             Fuel Consumption from Renewable Sources                           -             -
             Electricity Purchased                                       217,245       439,944
             Total Energy Consumption                                  3,414,208      5,478,003
            i.  Data coverage for 2020 includes all our facilities except for Excelic refinery in China.
            ii.  Conversion factors are obtained from Biograce V 4d, 2014, Ecoinvent 3.3, ISCC 205 V 3.0.
            iii. Coal makes up 89% of our total fuel consumption from non-renewable sources. Apical does not consume fuel from renewable sources.

            GHG Emissions and Emissions Intensity
             GHG Emissions                                                  2019          2020
             Direct Scope 1 Emissions (kgCO 2e)                      359,169,064    559,032,352
             Indirect Scope 2 Emissions (kgCO 2e)                     31,349,697     47,427,970
             Production (MT of oil processed)                          5,386,248      9,158,287
             Scope 1 Emissions Intensity (kgCO 2e/MT of oil processed)       67             61
             Scope 2 Emissions Intensity (kgCO 2e/MT of oil processed)        6              5
             Total Emissions Intensity (kgCO 2e/MT of oil processed)         73             66
            i.  GHG emissions are based on the operational control approach.
            ii.  Data coverage for 2020 includes all our facilities except for AKC and Excelic refinery in China.
            iii. Data coverage for 2019 includes SDS, AAJ Marunda, KRN, Bio-oils, AAJTB and CEP.
            iv. Calculation of GHG emissions is based on the ISCC Emission 205.
            v.  MT of oil processed reported includes the volume of oil reprocessed and the GHG calculation methodology
              refers to ISCC 205 Green House Gas Emissions version 3.0.
            GHG Emissions by Source (KgCO2e)
                                                       0.36%    ■  Effluent treatment   4,244,676
                                                       7.78%    ■  Electricity from generator   2,189,015
                                                                ■  Electricity from grid (Scope 2)   47,162,113
                                                                ■  Electricity from power plant   84,204,971
            38.13%                                    13.89%    ■  Petrol & diesel usage on HP boiler   1,706,159
                                                                ■  Heat generation     235,600,892
                                                                ■  Chemical usage      231,133,878
                                                                Total                  606,241,702

                                                      38.86%    Note:
                                                                i.  Data coverage for 2020 includes all our facilities
                                                                  except for Excelic and AKC.

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