Page 39 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 39

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP

                                  Blockchain Technology
       One of the many alert      We  believe  collaboration  is  key  to  establishing  a  transparent
       systems is GLAD alerts,    and sustainable supply chain. Apical is a pioneer member of
       which  are  updated        the Sustainability Assurance & Innovation Alliance (SUSTAIN),
       every eight days. This     which aims to:
       system analyses the
       most recent  satellite     •  Improve data collection and communication NDPE progress
       images and compares        •  Work  towards  greater  smallholder  inclusion  in  the  sustainable
       them to historical data      palm oil supply chain
       to  identify  where  trees   •  Avoid duplication of efforts and resources through an integrated
       have been lost or cut.       collaborative system built on blockchain

       Our Sustainability team    Members and partners of SUSTAIN include palm oil producers,
       receives GLAD alerts       technical service organisations, palm product buyers, system
       periodically.  Apical      and technology providers and other interested parties. In 2019,
       started  using  both       SUSTAIN conducted a pilot traceability programme with one of our
       GLAD alerts and GFW        suppliers located in the Batanghari Regency of Jambi, Indonesia.
       Pro since 2019.            This pilot project was conducted as part of a User Acceptance
                                  Testing (UAT) and change management, involves data collection
                                  using an application and is still on-going. Outcomes of this pilot
                                  programme will be shared in our next sustainability report.

                               Handling Grievances Against Suppliers
                               103-3, 308-2
                               Apart from our own monitoring activities, issues within our supply chain
                               may also be identified by our stakeholders. Concerns can be raised through
                               the Apical Grievance Procedure outlined in the section on Our Approach to

                               Suppliers who are suspended are required to provide clear evidence of
                               compliance with our NDPE commitments and grievance resolution for
                               re-inclusion into our supply chain. For suppliers where evidence of
                               deforestation has been identified, we will review our transactions with them
                               on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature and significance of the
                               In 2020, there were six grievances raised against our suppliers related to the
                               clearing of forests and peatland. About 12.4% of our total supplying mills
                               were implicated in grievance issues as reported in our Grievance Tracker on
                               our website. A full list of our grievances, their status and progress toward
                               resolution is published on our website.

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