Page 38 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 38

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06
                                                                               Working with Suppliers

          WORKING WITH

                                                                  Satellite Imagery
                                                                  With the availability of the global earth
                                                                  observation satellite, organisations can
                                                                  now more easily detect deforestation.
                                                                  Apical uses the forest monitoring tool
                                                                  known  as  Global  Forest  Watch  (GFW)
                                                                  Pro, which is made available by the
                                                                  World Resources Institute and tracks
                                                                  forests destroyed or lost to fire. The
                                                                  volume  and quality  of  information  from
                                                                  GFW Pro supports Apical in making
                                                                  smarter decisions and ensuring greater
                                                                  transparency among our suppliers.
               Using Technology to
               Manage Supply Chain Risk                           GFW Pro allows for the locations of all the
                                                                  mills, which our suppliers are required to
               Supply chain transparency is an imperative for Apical’s   provide, to be inserted into the system.
               business growth and success. A key challenge we faced
               is the mapping and monitoring of our suppliers and their   GFW has several alert systems that
               practices on the ground. To overcome this challenge,   identify new forest clearings in real-time.
               Apical leveraged on several digitalisation opportunities.

                  Location technology
                  Apical uses geographic information system (GIS)
                  to monitor the movement of palm oil through our
                  supply network. This informs and allows Apical’s
                  sustainability team to prioritise and formulate
                  follow-up actions through our Anchor Programmes
                  against suppliers found to have violated our
                  Sustainability and/or Sourcing Policies. Through
                  GIS-based  monitoring, we  can trace all  palm oil
                  from our suppliers back to the mill and plantations.
                  We provide quarterly updates on our GIS efforts
                  on our website. Some of the metrics we publish
                  include the list of supplying mills and the GPS
                  coordinates of the mill’s locations.

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