Page 35 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 35

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP

            Non-spatial parameters focus on identifying issues related to communities, smallholders, and ongoing
            grievances that may occur in a mill’s FFB supply chain, based on publicly reported information from sources
            such as the media and external reports.
            All of our suppliers are assessed under the MPP. Mills with long-term business relations with Apical or
            have been identified as having significant potential environmental and social impacts are prioritised for
            engagement through our PSEP.
            Risk levels of our suppliers are updated monthly based on the parameters of the MPP. As at 31 December
            2020, there were 60 supplying mills identified as having significant potential environmental and social
            impacts including deforestation, development on peatland, FFB sourcing from protected areas, violation of
            human rights, illegal burning and worker exploitation. These mills were prioritised for engagement through
            our CARE.

            Priority Supplier Engagement Programme (PSEP)
            The PSEP is designed to assess our high-risk suppliers, prioritised through our MPP. The assessment
            criteria include suppliers’ level of compliance with Apical Sustainability Policy as well as relevant industry

                              The PSEP assessment focuses on six guiding principles

               Monitoring legal   Protection   Environmental   Respect of   Creation of   Traceability
                 compliance     of key       impact     people and   shared value
                             conservation   management,   communities,
                              value areas:   including waste   including labour
                             HCV, HCS and   and chemical   and human
                               peatland   management      rights

            Apical conducts field visits for suppliers identified for PSEP as it enables personal interaction that
            facilitates effective communication. Deeper engagement provides us with a better understanding of our
            suppliers and their practices, which helps to identify gaps for improvement.

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